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Бесплатно JCMS Lite | Autodonate store with built-in payment methods. 2.0.6 2.0.6

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About JCMS Lite | Autodonate store with built-in payment methods.​

DEMO: https://lite.jaehaerys.dev/
DOCS: https://docs.jaehaerys.dev/
Discord: https://discord.gg/bNp9bMhpfj

THIS PRODUCT REQUIRE VPS ON LINUX(1gb ram, 1 cpu core min. and PHP 8.1 + Node.js 16.5+)
-> Laravel 10.
-> Vue3
-> TypeScript
-> Inertia.JS
-> TailwindCSS + DaisyUI.

To accept payments through this product, you must have API keys for payment methods, which you will need to specify in the site config.

[?] How it works?
[!] You set up a store, the user logs in through Steam, replenishes the balance on the site, the money comes to you on PayPal or Stipe, and the user buys items on the site, after which he can receive items in the game through cart plugin.

Current functional:
-> Shop with search.
-> Leaderboard with sorting and search #PlayerRanks required!
-> Dashboard for creating/edit/delete items.
-> Ability top up balance with PayPal or Stripe.
-> Transfer item to the game by plugin. #JCART plugin required!
-> API to interact with the player’s shopping cart and the store.
-> Banlist. #EnchantedBanSystem required!

What is it and why? This website allows you to run your own website where players can buy items and the money will go directly to your e-wallets.

I help with the installation of the site at any stage, from the selection of the VPS to the very launch, right up to the creation of goods for purchase.
The site will have several paid add-ons, such as:
-> Multilingual,
-> Real-time server map, and more.
-> Bandit wheel of fortune in RUST style(example) LINK DEMO

Hello! Let's start with the fact that this is an improved version of my open source product, which you can download for free here - https://github.com/DevJaehaerys/JCMSLite.

By purchasing this version, you get support in any matter, as well as your wishes in the new functionality will be a priority for me. Also this version will soon have an admin panel for adding new items.
Now the paid version has the ability for your customers to specify the number of items to purchase.
Statistics page will be added very soon.
Current payment methods avilible:
-> PayPal.
-> Stripe.
-> QIWI(rus)
I also provide a plugin to pass items to the game, but it doesn't have a pretty interface.
Do you want your own plugin? No problem! The site provides an API for interacting with the shopping cart.
Do not forget to specify the IP address of your server and the security key for the API to work in:


Simple CART plugin to game written by ChatGPT: https://github.com/DevJaehaerys/ingame-cart

*Also the site has many themes thanks to DaisyUI wee and you can add your own, but nothing prevents you from giving up tailwind and start writing your own styles with !


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