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Raidable Bases (+Addons: Language Files, Package tier 3)

Платно Raidable Bases (+Addons: Language Files, Package tier 3) 2.8.5

О плагине

Это премиум-версия Raidable Bases. Различий между этой и бесплатной версией слишком много, чтобы перечислять. Несколько ключевых отличий: пять (5) трудностей и связанная с ними функциональность таблицы добычи вместо одной (1), события, которые можно купить, локауты для игроков.

Требуется последняя версия CopyPaste или bases . Для этого также требуется, чтобы у вас уже были файлы copypaste. Базы с возможностью поиска будут созданы с помощью плагина CopyPaste. Этот плагин НЕ поставляется ни с какими базами. Пакеты, включающие базы, продаются отдельно.

Ознакомьтесь с моими пакетами для этого плагина для 1, 2которые содержат все, что вам нужно, чтобы заставить плагин работать в считанные минуты со всеми базами и добычей, уже настроенными для вас! Пакеты продаются отдельно.


Эта команда существует для решения проблем, связанных с вашей конфигурацией, профилями и / или картой, путем отображения информации, как хорошей, так и плохой, связанной с поиском точек возрождения и созданием баз. Вы несете ответственность за использование этой команды, прежде чем обращаться за помощью.


Это не ваш заурядный плагин. НЕ УСТАНАВЛИВАЙТЕ, НЕ ПРОЧИТАВ СНАЧАЛА ЭТУ ДОКУМЕНТАЦИЮ. Этот плагин чрезвычайно продвинутый и требует предельного внимания к деталям для правильной настройки. Перескакивание с одного на другое в файле конфигурации или профилях приведет к большему количеству проблем, чем того стоит. Не торопитесь разбираться в каждой опции, прежде чем включать или отключать ее функциональность.

Набегаемые базы - это самостоятельное расширение Опасных сокровищ. Вы можете узнать, как включить режим расширения ниже. Это не требует опасных сокровищ для каких-либо других целей.

Дальше все идет без перевода

Loot Tables

The plugin comes with some very basic items (Default_Loot.json) that only serve as a demo loot list for you to either delete or expand upon. In order to make any use of the plugin (beyond demonstration) you will have to create your own loot lists instead.

It will take a very long time to configure your loot tables, and fine-tune each to your specific needs. To start, I recommend that you use the rb.populate all command. This creates files in the Editable_Lists folder for each difficulty that contain every item in the game. Edit each file and set the amounts for the items that you want to spawn, and remove those that you do not want to spawn. It may look intimidating editing a list of 660 items, but don't underestimate how easy it is to delete items from a list compared to adding each one manually.

Items that have their amount (not amountMin) set to 0 will not spawn. So you may either delete these items from the list, or come back to them later. If you set amountMin to 0 then chance will determine if the item spawns or not, and another item will not replace it unless there are extra items available (as of 1.7.3).

You can set the item skin that you want to use, but I suggest using the Skins settings in the configuration file to use random skins, or none at all.

The rb.populate command which populates the Editable_Lists folder also includes items already inside of your Difficulty_Loot folder. This allows you to easily repopulate lists in order to re-evaluate which items spawn at a later date.

Files inside of the Editable_Lists folder must be copied into an existing loot file in order to use the loot table. As the name implies, it is for editing only.

- If you want to use Editable_Lists/Easy.json for your Easy bases then copy the contents of the file into the Difficulty_Loot/Easy.json file.

- If you want to use Editable_Lists/Expert.json for the Expert Bases.json profile, then you must copy the contents of the Expert.json file into the Bases_Loot/Expert Bases.json file

probability - the chance that the item can spawn. value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is 100% chance

Loot Priority

Loot is pulled from all datafiles within the oxide/data/RaidableBases/ folder with the exception of the Profiles folder which is used to configure bases.

oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base Loot - If a loot table exists in this folder with the same name as a profile then all of the bases in that profile will use this loot table. If you want items in this loot table to always spawn then you must enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the respective profile.

oxide/data/RaidableBases/Difficulty Loot - Items will be chosen from these files based on the difficulty of each profile.

If Use Day Of Week Loot is enabled then it will choose the loot table for that specific day. Otherwise, it will pick from Default_Loot.json. This is the default list, and is only used when all other loot tables do not have a sufficient amount of loot to spawn based on the Amount Of Items To Spawn setting.

Loot Settings

  • Allow Duplicate Items - This is useful when you do not have enough items in your loot tables , and you want to spawn Amount Of Items To Spawn by using the same items more than once.
  • Amount Of Items To Spawn - This is the number of items that you want to spawn. If you do not have enough items in your loot tables then it will only spawn the amount that you have available. It will not spawn items if the container does not have enough space.
  • Drop Tool Cupboard Loot After Raid Is Completed (false)
  • Divide Loot Into All Containers - This allows you to divide loot evenly from all of your loot lists into all containers when enabled. You MUST increase or decrease Amount Of Items To Spawn respective to how many items you want in each container. This includes large boxes, small boxes, coffins and vending machines. Optional settings include (in order of priority) cupboard, bbq, oven, fridge and lockers.
  • Allow Players To Pickup Deployables (false) - As name implies, overridden by Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up
  • Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard (true) - Block players from placing a TC after destroying the TC in the base.
  • Drop Container Loot X Seconds After It Is Looted (false) - Prevent players from cherry picking items and leaving the rest, in order to despawn the raid quicker.
  • Drop Container Loot Applies Only To Boxes And Cupboards (true) - As name implies
  • Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot (true) - Useful if using CopyPaste files that contain loot already - I suggest leaving this true as it can complicate how many items spawn if there are too few inventory slots remaining.
  • Ignore Containers That Spawn With Loot Already (false) - Useful if you want specific loot to spawn from a copypaste file.
  • Require Cupboard Access To Loot (false) - Prevent all players from looting until they reach the TC, or destroy it.
  • Skip Treasure Loot And Use Loot In Base Only (false)" - Useful if you want all loot to spawn from a copypaste file - not recommended - will allow players to memorize which boxes to raid and ignore the rest.
  • Always Spawn Base Loot Table (false) - Very useful if you want items in the Base_Loot file to always spawn (such as C4, rockets, ammo, etc)


  • Blacklisted Commands (none) - prevents players from using these commands inside of a raid base
  • Automatically Teleport Admins To Their Map Marker Positions (true) - right-click map to teleport (requires raidablebases.mapteleport permission)
  • Block Wizardry Plugin At Events (false) - Block players from using wands
  • Chat Steam64ID (0) - The steam profile icon to show in chat messages
  • Expansion Mode (Dangerous Treasures) (false) - Allow Dangerous Treasures to take over a random box for its event
  • Remove Admins From Raiders List (false) - Allows admins to help players without receiving any rewards
  • Show X Z Coordinates (false) - Show X Z coordinates alongside grid location
  • Buy Raid Command (buyraid) - Opens the buyable UI to purchase raids for each difficulty
  • Event Command (rbe) - Specify command name
  • Hunter Command (rb) - Specify command name
  • Server Console Command (rbevent) - Specify command name

Raid Management

  • Allow Teleport (false) - Allow/prevent players from teleporting
  • Allow Cupboard Loot To Drop (true) - Allows loot to drop when TC is destroyed by a player
  • Allow Players To Build (true)
  • Allow Players To Use Ladders (true)
  • Allow Players To Deploy Barricades (true)
  • Allow Players To Upgrade Event Buildings (false) - Prevent players from upgrading buildings with no TC to prevent this otherwise
  • Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVP Bases (true) - Bypasses Prevent Looting plugin
  • Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVE Bases (true) - Bypasses Prevent Looting plugin
  • Allow Traps To Drop Loot (false) - Allow traps such as guntraps and turrets to drop loot on death
  • Allow Players To Loot Traps (false) - Allows players to loot traps such as guntrap and turrets with TC access
  • Allow Raid Bases On Roads (true)
  • Allow Raid Bases On Rivers (true)
  • Allow Raid Bases On Building Topology (true) - Specifically added for custom map makers
  • Allow Vending Machines To Broadcast (false) - Prevents vending machines from showing on the map
  • Allow Bases To Float Above Water (false) - Keyword: FLOAT
  • Allow Bases To Spawn On The Seabed (false)
  • Prevent Bases From Floating Above Water By Also Checking Surrounding Area (false) - Keyword: FLOAT
  • Maximum Water Depth Level Used For Float Above Water Option (1.0) - Keyword: FLOAT, but allows you to prevent on water if the value is low enough
  • Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVE Bases (true)
  • Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVP Bases (true)
  • Backpacks Drop At PVE Bases (false) - Will drop a backpack on death, even if explicity disabled in Backpack configuration (requires Backpacks 3.4.0 )
  • Backpacks Drop At PVP Bases (false)
  • Block Mounted Damage To Bases And Players (false) - Prevent players from dealing damage while on mini, scrap heli, etc
  • Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases (false)
  • Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases (false)
  • Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases (false) - Do not set an owner for PVE bases
  • Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases (false) - Do not set an owner for PVP bases
  • Despawn Spawned Mounts (true) - Allows mounts such as mini or scrap heli to remain if not abandoned when raid despawns
  • Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables (true) - Useful for cleaning up after players
  • Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures (true)
  • Divide Rewards Among All Raiders (true)
  • Draw Corpse Time (Seconds) (300.0) - The amount of time the players corpse location is drawn on their screen
  • Eject Sleepers Before Spawning Base (true)
  • Extra Distance To Spawn From Monuments (0.0)
  • Flame Turrets Ignore NPCs (false) - Can help with performance on some servers
  • Maximum Elevation Level (2.5) - The allowed height of the surrounding terrain for spawning bases
  • Move Cookables Into Ovens (true)
  • Move Food Into BBQ Or Fridge (true)
  • Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard (true)
  • Move Items Into Lockers (true)
  • Lock Treasure To First Attacker (true) - Sets the first attacker as the owner of a raid. You must set eject settings in each profile if you do not want players entering private raids
  • Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes) (10.0) - Resets the raid as public after this time
  • Assign Lockout When Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time Expires (false) - useful those who partially raid bases in order to avoid the lockout timer
  • Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone (false) - Forces players to be locked to a raid once they enter it, even on accident
  • Only Award First Attacker and Allies (false)
  • Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min 1) (15) - The time until the base despawns after being raided
  • Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled) (45) - The time until the base despawns after being raided
  • Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged (true) - Resets the time until the base despawns when it is damaged by a player
  • Mounts Can Take Damage From Players (false)
  • Mounts Can Take Damage From SamSites (true)
  • Player Cupboard Detection Radius (75.0) - Extra layer of protection to prevent raid bases from spawning too closely to player bases
  • Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Anything Inside Zone (false) - Applies specifically to PVP raid bases
  • Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Other Players With PVP Delay Anywhere (false)
  • PVP Delay Between Zone Hopping (10.0) - The amount of time players can take damage while on a PVE server after stepping outside of a PVP zone - prevents exploiting - recommended value: 120
  • Prevent Fire From Spreading (true) - Helps with server performance by preventing forest fires, err, fire from spreading after initial spawn
  • Prevent Players From Hogging Raids (true) - Prevents players from tagging multiple raids at once
  • Require Cupboard To Be Looted Before Despawning (false)
  • Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid (false)
  • Require All Bases To Spawn Before Respawning An Existing Base (false) - Rotate through all bases specific to each difficulty before reusing an existing base
  • Turn Lights On At Night (true)
  • Turn Lights On Indefinitely (false)
  • Traps And Turrets Ignore Users Using NOCLIP (false)
  • Use Random Codes On Code Locks (true)
  • Wait To Start Despawn Timer When Base Takes Damage From Player (false) - Prevents the inactive despawn timer from starting until it is damaged by a player. Combos well when inactive resets is disabled by giving players a limited time to finish a raid once they start it
  • Additional Containers To Include As Boxes (none) - example: vendingmachine

Eject Mounts

  • Boats (false) - Set any true to prevent them from entering a raid base
  • Cars (Basic) (false)
  • Cars (Modular) (false)
  • Chinook (false)
  • Horses (false)
  • MiniCopters (false)
  • Pianos (true)
  • Scrap Transport Helicopters (false)
  • All Controlled Mounts (false) - Mounts controlled via another plugin
Max Amount Of Players Allowed To Enter Each Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = none) (infinite)

  • Easy Difficulty => Amount (0)
  • Medium Difficulty => Amount (0)
  • Hard Difficulty => Amount (0)
  • Expert Difficulty => Amount (0)
  • Nightmare Difficulty => Amount (0)

Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite) -1 = disabled)

  • Easy (0) - Specifies how many of each difficulty can be spawned at any given time
  • Medium (0)
  • Hard (0)
  • Expert (0)
  • Nightmare (0)

Player Lockouts (0 = ignore)

  • Time Between Raids In Minutes (Easy) (0.0) - Set a cooldown before the player can enter another raid base
  • Time Between Raids In Minutes (Medium) (0.0)
  • Time Between Raids In Minutes (Hard) (0.0)
  • Time Between Raids In Minutes (Expert) (0.0)
  • Time Between Raids In Minutes (Nightmare) (0.0)
  • Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid (false) - Prevent clans from hogging multiple raid bases
  • Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid (false)
  • Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid (false)

Easy|Medium|Hard|Expert|Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On

  • Monday (true)
  • Tuesday (true)
  • Wednesday (true)
  • Thursday (true)
  • Friday (true)
  • Saturday (true)
  • Sunday (true)

Difficulty Colors (Border)

  • Easy (000000)
  • Medium (000000)
  • Hard (000000)
  • Expert (000000)
  • Nightmare (000000)

Difficulty Colors (Inner)

  • Easy (00FF00)
  • Medium (FFEB04)
  • Hard (FF0000)
  • Expert (0000FF)
  • Nightmare (000000)

Map Markers

  • Marker Name (Raidable Base Event)
  • Radius (0.25)
  • Use Vending Map Marker (true)
  • Show Owners Name on Map Marker (true)
  • Use Explosion Map Marker (false)
  • Create Markers For Buyable Events (true)
  • Create Markers For Maintained Events (true)
  • Create Markers For Scheduled Events (true)
  • Create Markers For Manual Events (true)

Buyable Events

  • Do Not Reward Buyable Events (false)
  • Refunds > Refund Despawned Bases (false)
  • Refunds > Refund Percentage (100.0)
  • Refunds > Refund Resets Cooldown Timer (false)
  • Refunds > Block Refund If Base Is Damaged (true)
  • Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown)
  • VIP Permission (raidablebases.vipcooldown (300.0)
  • Admin Permission (raidablebases.allow (0.0)
  • Server Admins (0.0)
  • Normal Users (600.0)
  • Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids (false) - If all of your profiles have PVP enabled then players will NOT be able to buy any raids!
  • Convert PVE To PVP (false)
  • Convert PVP To PVE (false)
  • Distance To Spawn Bought Raids From Player (500.0)
  • Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends (true)
  • Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations (false)
  • Ignore Safe Checks (false) - if enabled will prevent the plugin from checking the area for a TC, buildings, or deployables
  • Max Buyable Events (1)
  • Reset Purchased Owner After X Minutes Offline (10.0)
  • Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0)
  • Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want buyable raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin

Maintained Events

  • Always Maintain Max Events (false) - Spawn another raid soon after one despawns
  • Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations (false) - spawn regardless of what player entities are built in the area
  • Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting) (0.0) - Overrides all PVP Allow profile settings for a chance to make the raid PVE or PVP
  • Convert PVE To PVP (false)
  • Convert PVP To PVE (false)
  • Include PVE Bases (true)
  • Include PVP Bases (true)
  • Ignore Safe Checks (false) - Bypass checks that ensure no buildings or other objects are blocking the spawn
  • Minimum Required Players Online (1)
  • Max Maintained Events (1) - How many bases you want available at any given time
  • Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0)
  • Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want maintained raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin
  • Time To Wait Between Spawns (15.0) - Wait a specific time frame between each paste (can be set to 0)

Manual Events

  • Convert PVE To PVP (false)
  • Convert PVP To PVE (false)
  • Max Manual Events (1)
  • Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0)
  • Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want manually spawned raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin

Scheduled Events

  • Enabled (false) - Spawn raids on a timer specific to random amount of time between Every Min and Every Max Seconds
  • Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations (false) - spawn regardless of what player entities are built in the area
  • Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting) (0.0) - Overrides all PVP Allow profile settings for a chance to make the raid PVE or PVP
  • Convert PVE To PVP (false)
  • Convert PVP To PVE (false)
  • Every Min Seconds (3600.0)
  • Every Max Seconds (7200.0)
  • Include PVE Bases (true)
  • Include PVP Bases (true)
  • Ignore Safe Checks (false) - Bypass checks that ensure no buildings or other objects are blocking the spawn
  • Max Scheduled Events (1)
  • Max To Spawn At Once (0 = Use Max Scheduled Events Amount) (0)
  • Minimum Required Players Online (1)
  • Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0)
  • Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want scheduled raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin
  • Time To Wait Between Spawns (15.0) - Wait a specific time frame between each paste (can be set to 0)

Economics Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)

  • Easy (0.0) - How much each raid costs, use the /buyraid command to see the UI
  • Medium (0.0)
  • Hard (0.0)
  • Expert (0.0)
  • Nightmare (0.0)

ServerRewards Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)

  • Easy (0) - How much each raid costs, use the /buyraid command to see the UI
  • Medium (0)
  • Hard (0)
  • Expert (0)
  • Nightmare (0)

Custom Buy Raid Costs

  • Easy (50 scrap) - How much each raid costs, use the /buyraid command to see the UI
  • Medium (100 scrap)
  • Hard (150 scrap)
  • Expert (200 scrap)
  • Nightmare (250 scrap)
  • All are disabled by default.
  • All can require its own specific item.

Allowed Zone Manager Zones

  • List: pvp, 99999999 - the list of zones where raid bases may spawn at - Zone Manager is not required to use this plugin.

Event Messages

  • Announce Raid Unlocked (false)
  • Announce Buy Base Messages (false)
  • Announce Thief Message (true)
  • Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages (true)
  • Show Destroy Warning (true)
  • Show Opened Message (true)
  • Show Opened Message For Paid Bases (true)
  • Show Prefix (true)


  • Enabled (false)
  • Banner Tint Color (Grey)
  • Maximum Distance (300.0)
  • Text Color (White)

Lusty Map

Ranked Ladder (based on points system)

  • Award Top X Players On Wipe (3) - Every wipe the top 3 players are awarded the raidablebases.th permission and raidhunter group. Used with plugins that give titles based on permissions/groups, such as BetterChat
  • Enabled (true)
  • Difficulty Points (for each difficulty)
  • Assign To Owner Of Raid Only (false)
  • Assign Rank After X Completions
    - Players that complete the required amount of completions will receive the relevant above permission and group automatically
    - Set value above 0 to enable this feature for any given difficulty as it is disabled for all difficulties by default
Permissions and groups are given to players for being top 3 in each difficulty at the end of a wipe

  • permissions: raidablebases.ladder.easy, raidablebases.ladder.medium, raidablebases.ladder.hard, raidablebases.ladder.expert, raidablebases.ladder.nightmare, raidablebases.th
  • groups: raideasy, raidmedium, raidhard, raidexpert, raidnightmare, raidhunter


  • Randomize Npc Item Skins (true) - Skins npc outfits


  • Include Workshop Skins (true)
  • Preset Skin (0)
  • Use Random Skin (true) - Skins boxes

Loot Items

  • Include Workshop Skins (true)
  • Use Random Skin (true) - Skins items inside of boxes
  • Use Imported Workshop Skins File (false) - copy existing Imported Workshop Skins section from Skinbox to the Imported Workshop Skins json file to apply.


  • List: Partial Names (door, barricade, chair, fridge, furnace, locker, reactivetarget, rug, sleepingbag, table, vendingmachine, waterpurifier, skullspikes, skulltrophy, summer_dlc, sled)
  • Skin Everything (true)
  • Include Workshop Skins (true)
  • Use Random Skin (true) - Skins deployed items


  • Resources Not Moved To Cupboards (skull.human, battery.small, bone.fragments, can.beans.empty, can.tuna.empty, water.salt, water, skull.wolf)
  • Use Day Of Week Loot (false)
  • Do Not Duplicate Base Loot (false)
  • Do Not Duplicate Difficulty Loot (false)
  • Do Not Duplicate Default Loot (false)
  • Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items (false)


  • Enabled (true) - Shows a status indicator
  • Anchor Min (0.838 0.249)
  • Anchor Max (0.986 0.284)
  • Font Size (18)
  • Panel Alpha (1.0)
  • Panel Color (000000)
  • PVP Color (FF0000)
  • PVE Color (008000)
  • Show Containers Left (false)
  • Show Time Left (true)
UI Details => Shows owner and active status

Buyable UI

  • Enabled (true) - Allows players to buy raids through a UI - DO NOT PUT IN STORE OR SHOPS
  • Cursor Enabled (false)
  • Anchor Min (0.522 0.136)
  • Anchor Max (0.639 0.372)
  • Panel Color (000000)
  • Panel Alpha (0.0)
  • Button Alpha (1.0)
  • Text Color (FFFFFF)
  • Use Contrast Colors For Text Color (false)
  • Use Difficulty Colors For Buttons (false)
  • X Button Color (497CAF)
  • Easy Button Color (497CAF)
  • Medium Button Color (497CAF)
  • Hard Button Color (497CAF)
  • Expert Button Color (497CAF)
  • Nightmare Button Color (497CAF)


  • Enabled (true) - Shows lockout timers for each difficulty (expert/nightmare not implemented)
  • Easy Anchor Min (0.838 0.285)
  • Easy Anchor Max (0.883 0.320)
  • Medium Anchor Min (0.893 0.285)
  • Medium Anchor Max (0.936 0.320)
  • Hard Anchor Min (0.946 0.285)
  • Hard Anchor Max (0.986 0.320)
  • Expert Anchor Min (0.838 0.325)
  • Expert Anchor Max (0.883 0.365)
  • Nightmare Anchor Min (0.893 0.325)
  • Nightmare Anchor Max (0.936 0.365)
  • Panel Alpha (1.0)


  • Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle (true)
  • Fog Machine Requires A Power Source (true)
  • SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled) (5.0)
  • SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default) (75.0)
  • Test Generator Power (100.0)

Infinite Ammo

  • AutoTurret (true)
  • FlameTurret (true)
  • FogMachine (true)
  • GunTrap (true)
  • SamSite (true)


  • AutoTurret (256)
  • FlameTurret (256)
  • FogMachine (5)
  • GunTrap (128)
  • SamSite (24)

Tesla Coil

  • Requires A Power Source (true)
  • Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (0 = None) 120 = Rust default) (0.0)
  • Max Damage Output (35.0)


  • Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = expert, 4 = nightmare) (0)
  • Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up (List: generator.small, generator.static autoturret_deployed - overrides Allow Players To Pickup Deployables)
  • Additional Bases For This Difficulty (default) - A list of bases to use within this profile
  • Paste Options (default) - Paste options specific to the profiles filename if it is also a base
  • Profile Enabled (true)- Useful for disabling a profile instead of deleting it
  • Add Code Lock To Unlocked Or KeyLocked Doors (true)
  • Add Code Lock To Boxes (false)
  • Add Code Lock To Tool Cupboards (false)
  • Close Open Doors With No Door Controller Installed (true)
  • Allow Duplicate Items (false) - [Explained above]
  • Allow Players To Pickup Deployables (false) - [Explained above]
  • Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard (true)- [Explained above]
  • Allow PVP (true)
  • Allow Friendly Fire (Teams) (true)
  • Amount Of Items To Spawn (30) - [Explained above]
  • Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value) (0)
  • Flame Turret Health (300.0)
  • Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss (false) - Force items to take condition losses
  • Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Players Inside (false) - Prevent damage from outside of the dome to players inside of the dome
  • Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Bases Inside (false) - Prevent damage from outside of the dome to the base inside
  • Block Damage Inside From Npcs To Players Outside (false)
  • Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (false)
  • Boxes Are Invulnerable (false)
  • Spawn Silently (No Notifcation, No Dome, No Map Marker) (false)
  • Divide Loot Into All Containers (true) - [Explained above]
  • Drop Container Loot X Seconds After It Is Looted (0.0) - [Explained above]
  • Drop Container Loot Applies Only To Boxes And Cupboards (true) - [Explained above]
  • Create Dome Around Event Using Spheres (0 = disabled, recommended = 5) (5) - A visible dome for players to distinguish raid bases from player bases
  • Enable Stability Foundation Wipe (false) - Enables a custom stability system for when stability is disabled via CopyPaste settings.
  • Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot (true) - [Explained above]
  • Eject Corpses From Enemy Raids (Advanced Users Only) (true) - Prevents corpses from remaining inside of a raid when it becomes private and prevents the user from looting it
  • Eject Enemies From Purchased PVE Raids (true) - Useful when Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends is enabled
  • Eject Enemies From Purchased PVP Raids (false)
  • Eject Enemies From Locked PVE Raids (true) - Useful when Lock Treasure To First Attacker is enabled
  • Eject Enemies From Locked PVP Raids (false)
  • Explosion Damage Modifier (0-999) (100.0) - Modify the damage of all explosives
  • Force All Boxes To Have Same Skin (true)
  • Ignore Containers That Spawn With Loot Already (false) - [Explained above]
  • Penalize Players On Death In PVE (ZLevels) (true)
  • Penalize Players On Death In PVP (ZLevels) (true)
  • Loot Amount Multiplier (1.0) - useful to scale loot amounts without having to adjust them all individually
  • Protection Radius (50.0) - This options controls every single option and feature that relies explicity on distance or radius in one regard or another. Setting an incorrect value, either too low, or too high, will break the functionality of the plugin. It's best to leave it alone.
  • Require Cupboard Access To Loot (false) - [Explained above]
  • Minimum Respawn Npc X Seconds After Death (0.0) - Useful in simulating a real raid where players respawn
  • Maximum Respawn Npc X Seconds After Death (0.0)
  • Skip Treasure Loot And Use Loot In Base Only (false) - [Explained above]
  • Always Spawn Base Loot Table (false) - [Explained above]

Arena Walls

  • Enabled (true)
  • Extra Stacks (1) - How many times you want walls to stack on top of one another
  • Use Stone Walls (true) - set false to use wooden walls instead
  • Use Iced Walls (false) - not advised to use this as it can cause client lag (not a plugin issue)
  • Use Least Amount Of Walls (true)
  • Use UFO Walls (false) - Walls spawn horizontally instead of vertically
  • Radius (25.0)

NPC Levels

  • Level 1 - Play With Fire - Harmless fire aura rotates around npcs randomly
  • Amount (0 = disabled) (0)
  • Chance To Play (0.5)
  • Level 2 - Final Death (false) - Respawns all npcs when raid is completed


  • Enabled (true)
  • Spawn Inside Bases (Options: Spawn On Floors, Spawn On Rugs, Spawn On Beds)
  • Murderer Items Dropped On Death (none)
  • Scientist Items Dropped On Death (none)
  • Murderer (Items) (metal.facemask, metal.plate.torso, pants, tactical.gloves, boots.frog, tshirt, machete)
  • Scientist (Items) (hazmatsuit_scientist, rifle.ak)
  • Murderer Kits (murderer_kit_1, murderer_kit_2) - Kits have priority over these lists of items
  • Scientist Kits (scientist_kit_1, scientist_kit_2)
  • Random Names (none) - Spawn with a custom random name instead of a provided random name
  • Amount To Spawn (3)
  • Aggression Range (70.0) - Aggression range is increased by 250 meters when engaged
  • Despawn Inventory On Death (true)
  • Health For Murderers (100 min, 5000 max) (150.0)
  • Health For Scientists (100 min, 5000 max) (150.0)
  • Minimum Amount To Spawn (1)
  • Use Dangerous Treasures NPCs (false) - Tells Dangerous Treasures to control and outfit the NPCs instead
  • Spawn Murderers And Scientists (true)
  • Scientist Weapon Accuracy (0 - 100) (30.0) - These bots are meant to be savages. 30% is average for highly skilled players, while the average player has 10-20% accuracy
  • Spawn Murderers (false)
  • Spawn Random Amount (false)
  • Spawn Scientists Only (false)


  • Economics Money (0.0) - How much is rewarded after a raid. Overridden by Divide Rewards Among All Raiders
  • ServerRewards Points (0)
Change Building Material Tier To

  • Wooden (false) - Useful for upgrading or downgrading buildings automatically
  • Stone (false)
  • Metal (false)
  • HQM (false)
Change Door Type To

  • Wooden (false) - Useful for upgrading or downgrading doors automatically
  • Metal
  • HQM
Player Building Restrictions

  • Wooden (false)
  • Stone (false)
  • Metal (false)
  • HQM (false)
Auto Turrets

  • Aim Cone (5.0)
  • Minimum Damage Modifier (1.0)
  • Maximum Damage Modifier (1.0)
  • Start Health (1000.0)
  • Sight Range (30.0)
  • Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode) (true)
  • Requires Power Source (false)
  • Remove Equipped Weapon (false)
  • Weapon To Equip When Unequipped (null = Do Not Equip) (rifle.ak)


  • raidablebases.allow -- Allows player to use the available ADMIN commands. This is NOT recommended as players can use the commands 'buyraid' and 'rb' already.
  • raidablebases.canbypass permission (or to be flying) to bypass dome restrictions (this previously worked for admins, but now requires the permission instead)
  • raidablebases.blockbypass permission to bypass Owning More Than One Raid settings for Clans/Friends/Teams
  • raidablebases.mapteleport Teleporting to map marker now simply requires this permission and to be enabled in config
  • raidablebases.ddraw allows support for FauxAdmin users
  • raidablebases.config allows use of the rb.config command in-game (server console does not require this permission)
  • raidablebases.banned bans the user from entering any raids - DO NOT GIVE THIS TO THE DEFAULT GROUP LOL
  • raidablebases.durabilitybypass to bypass `Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss`
  • raidablebases.notitle permission to exclude users from ranked title rewards


This plugin creates it's own spawn points automatically, which cover the entirety of your server's map when the plugin is loaded. This is created one-time when the plugin loads. The grid maintains itself without requiring any input.

You may view the grid by typing /rb grid in-game to view detailed drawings of all locations on the grid.

X - green - possible spawn point
X - Red - currently in use
C - Cyan - construction detected nearby
TC - yellow - TC detected nearby
W - blue - water depth is too high - refreshes on ocean level change

Each location on the grid is checked a second time before spawning a base to insure it does not spawn the base on players or their buildings.

You can disable using the grid by providing a valid spawn file for each raid type (buyable, maintained, scheduled and manual).


  • buyraid - buys a raid, eg: buyraid easy, buyraid easy steamid, buyraid 0, buyraid 0 steamid. I suggest typing the command and using the UI to buy bases.
  • rb - for players to see the ladder (also for admins to see the status of each raid going on, which includes showing the allies and owners of each raid)
  • rb ui [lockouts|status] - COMMAND REMOVED
  • rbe despawn - despawns a players purchased base if they have raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission

  • For admins, or players with the admin permission raidablebases.allow:

  • rbe debug - toggles debug messages shown every second to server console for maintained and scheduled warning messages
  • rb grid - see the grid and all monument names
  • rb resettime - reset the time for the next scheduled event
  • rb savefix - to cancel a server save that has become stuck - requires authlevel 2
  • rb prod - to gather information from a raid base entity for debugging purposes - requires admin or raidablebases.allow
  • rbe - spawns a base at the position you are looking at. You cannot spawn a base on a player (including yourself)
  • rbe draw - draw the raids radius
  • rbe despawn - despawn a base near you (can be used by players with raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission to despawn a base they purchased)
  • rbe despawnall - despawn all bases
  • rbe [basename] [difficulty] - spawn a raid at the location you are looking at
  • rbe expire steamid|playername - removes a lockout for a specific player
  • rbe expireall
  • rbevent [basename] [difficulty] - spawn a raid randomly on the map - and teleport to it if using the command in-game
  • rb.reloadconfig - allows you to reload the config without needing to reload the plugin. Some changes are not applied immediately, and no changes are retroactive to bases that are already spawned.
  • rb.config - allows you to edit the config by adding, removing, and listing bases. Requires the permission raidablebases.config when not being used from the server console.
  • rb.toggle - toggles Maintained Events and Scheduled Events on/off, if enabled in the config, until plugin reloads
  • rbe setowner name - Sets the player as the owner of the raid
  • rbe clearowner - Clears the owner of the raid
Additional Bases allows you to add additional files to an existing base so that all bases in that list share the same configuration as the primary base/profile. This is great for setting up a list of bases for easy, medium, hard, expert and nightmare.

Command rb.populate will populate specific loot tables with every item in the game (items are disabled by default as their amounts are set to 0)

  • Arguments: rb.populate easy medium hard expert nightmare loot all
  • Arguments: rb.populate 0 1 2 3 4 loot all

  • easy - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Easy.json
  • medium - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Medium.json
  • hard - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Hard.json
  • expert - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Expert.json
  • nightmare - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Nightmare.json
  • loot - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Default_Loot.json
  • all - Populates ALL above loot tables
  • Configure the items to your liking then copy the files contents into a loot table that you would like to use (for example Difficulty Loot/Easy.json)
  • You cannot use loot tables in the config file anymore. Use the data directory (oxide/data/RaidableBases)


No return behavior:

  • void OnRaidableBaseStarted(Vector3 raidPos, int mode, float loadingTime)
  • void OnRaidableBaseEnded(Vector3 raidPos, int mode, float loadingTime)
  • void OnPlayerEnteredRaidableBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 raidPos, bool allowPVP)
  • void OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 raidPos, bool allowPVP)


  1. Players will be considered raiders after looting, killing an npc, using explosives, eco raiding, destroying a building block/high wall/door or dealing damage from INSIDE of the dome
  2. You must change easybase1, mediumbase2, expertbase3, etc to the name of your CopyPaste files, or vis-versa. This plugin doesn't create bases for you. You can use the rb.config command (rb.config add "easy bases" easybase1 easybase2 0) in the server console to make this process easier. You can rename all profiles or additional base filenames.
  3. When copying a base with CopyPaste, make certain that you copy the base from eye level of the foundation outside of the base. I would not change autoheight from false to true. Do not change stability to true, as it may cause your base to crumble.
  4. height is the distance the base is spawned off of the ground.
  5. elevation determines how flat the surrounding terrain must be in order for bases to spawn on it
  6. Scheduled Events is how often you want a random base to spawn on the map. This is disabled by default. This randomness comes from Every Min Seconds and Every Max Seconds
  7. Maintain Events will always spawn the Max Events amount of bases on your map. This is disabled by default. When one despawns, another will take its place shortly after.
  8. Allow Teleport will prevent players from teleporting when disabled. Compatible with NTeleportation or any plugin that uses the CanTeleport hook.

  1. This plugin does NOT use Zone Manager - it creates and manages everything on its own. If you are having issues with too few locations on the grid, or each attempt to spawn a base returns a manual spawn was already requested then it is likely because of how you have setup Zone Manager. You either have far too many zones, or you have zones which are far too large. Raidable Bases will not spawn in these zones unless the ZoneID is added to Allowed Zone Manager Zones in the config file.
  2. Do not put this plugin in your store/shop. It simply is not designed to work with it. There are far too many cooldowns to make this idea plausible, and the plugin cannot function properly without them. Using /buyraid will open a UI designed specifically for this issue.
  3. This plugin requires CopyPaste plugin to work. It also requires that you have copypaste files already made. Raidable bases will be spawned using the CopyPaste plugin. This plugin does NOT come with any bases.
  4. PvE server friendly with TruePVE and other plugins that support the hooks CanEntityTakeDamage, CanEntityBeTargeted, and CanEntityTrapTrigger.
  5. Bases can have 5 difficulty settings: 0 for easy, 1 for medium, 2 for hard, 3 for expert, and 4 for nightmare. This is configurable per profile.
  6. Bases can spawn on roads and other areas that do not allow building by Rust. Building ladders in these areas is allowed by the plugin. I will add support for building twig later.
  7. My bases often spawn in the same biome
  8. If you're having issues with spawn points being repeatedly used, or with a biome being favored consistently over other biomes then this is an elevation issue with the terrain on your map. You can fix this by increasing the Elevation in the configuration. For example, if your Elevation is 1.0 then set it to 1.5 and try again. This will also increase the height the base is allowed to spawn off of the ground. With certain maps you'll just have to make do with this issue.
  9. Corpses appear outside of the dome as backpacks
  10. This is intended, and it is optional. The location is drawn on the players screen to notify them that their corpse moved. This allows players to retrieve their backpack in the event that the raid becomes locked privately to another player, and prevents them from entering. Players do not drop their active item when they die.
Bases Stop Spawning On Linux Machine

[Error] Exception while calling NextTick callback (DllNotFoundException: libgdiplus.so.0)

If you see this error after bases spawn then you need to install libgdiplus on your machine.

A quick google search shows the install command is: sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus

This happens when images in the CopyPaste file are being rendered by converting the byte array to bitmap.


OnRaidableBaseDespawn, OnRaidableBaseDespawned, OnRaidableBaseEnded, OnRaidableBasePrivilegeDestroyed, OnRaidableBaseCompleted, OnRaidableBaseStarted

private void ...(Vector3 raidPos, int mode, bool allowPVP, string id, float spawnTime, float despawnTime, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, BasePlayer owner, List<BasePlayer> raiders, List<BasePlayer> intruders, List<BaseEntity> entities)


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