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Build Tools

Платно Build Tools 1.5.32

  "Work with Notify?": true,
  "Setting Modes": [
      "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/clear.png",
      "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Remove",
      "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": ""
      "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_wood.png",
      "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Wood",
      "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": ""
      "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_stone.png",
      "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Stone",
      "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": ""
      "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_metal.png",
      "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Metal",
      "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": ""
      "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_top.png",
      "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "TopTier",
      "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": ""
  "Upgrade Settings": {
    "Time of action": 30,
    "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0,
    "Cooldowns": {
      "buildtool.vip": 0,
      "buildtool.premium": 0
    "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0,
    "Block After Wipe": {
      "buildtool.vip": 0,
      "buildtool.premium": 0
  "Remove Settings": {
    "Blocked items to remove (prefab)": [
      "shortname 1",
      "shortname 2",
      "shortname 3"
    "Return Item": true,
    "Returnable Item Percentage": 100.0,
    "Can friends remove? (Friends)": false,
    "Can clanmates remove? (Clans)": false,
    "Remove by cypboard? (those who are authorized in the cupboard can remove)": false,
    "Condition Settings": {
      "Default (from game)": true,
      "Use percent?": false,
      "Percent (value)": 0.0
    "Time of action": 30,
    "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0,
    "Cooldowns": {
      "buildtool.vip": 0,
      "buildtool.premium": 0
    "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0,
    "Block After Wipe": {
      "buildtool.vip": 0,
      "buildtool.premium": 0
  "Block Settings": {
    "Work with NoEscape?": true,
    "Work with Clans? (clan members will be able to delete/upgrade)": true,
    "Work with Friends? (friends will be able to delete/upgrade)": true,
    "Can those authorized in the cupboard delete/upgrade?": true,
    "Is an upgrade/remove cupbaord required?": false
  "Additional Slot Settings": {
    "Enabled": true
  "UI Settings": {
    "Color 1": {
      "HEX": "#4B68FF",
      "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0,
      "_color": null
    "Color 2": {
      "HEX": "#2C2C2C",
      "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0,
      "_color": null
    "Color 3": {
      "HEX": "#B64040",
      "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0,
      "_color": null
    "Offset Y": 0.0,
    "Offset X": 0.0
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