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Иконка ресурса

Платно Buried Treasure 1.0.22

  "globalSettings": {
    "Gold - Enable gold to be sold for Server Reward Points ? ": true,
    "Gold - Enable gold to be sold for Economics Bucks ? ": true,
    "Gold - Player will get this many Server Reward Points when selling 1 gold : ": 100,
    "Gold - Player will get this many Economics Bucks when selling 1 gold : ": 100,
    "AutoLoot - Automatically turn in gold coins for rewards when looting ? ": false,
    "AutoLoot - Automatically mark treasure maps when they are looted ? ": false,
    "Standard Loot - Enable chance for random treasure map in standard loot crates ? ": false,
    "Standard Loot - Enable chance for gold to spawn in standard loot crates ? ": false,
    "Standard Loot - Random Treasure Map chance (if enabled) : ": 1,
    "Standard Loot - Gold spawn chance (if enabled) : ": 1,
    "Treasure - Spawn - Only spawn Treasure up to this far from players current postion : ": 100.0,
    "Treasure - Spawn - Use whole map (instead of distance from player) to get random spawn point ? ": false,
    "Treasure - Spawn - When whole map size is used, reduce spawn area by this much offset (closer to land) : ": 500.0,
    "Treasure - Despawn - Approx Seconds the Treasure Marker and Location will despawn if not found : ": 3600.0,
    "Treasure - Despawn - Approx Seconds the Spawned Chest will despawn if not looted : ": 3600.0,
    "Treasure - Location - When player gets within this distance, treasure will spawn nearby : ": 8.0,
    "Treasure - Chance - to add a Random Map to Treasure Chest : ": 5,
    "Treasure - Chance - to add a Gold to Treasure Chest : ": 5,
    "Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a Basic Map: ": 50,
    "Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a UnCommon Map: ": 30,
    "Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a Rare Map: ": 15,
    "Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a Elite Map: ": 5,
    "Map Marker - Prefab - Treasure Chest Map marker prefab (default explosion marker) : ": "assets/prefabs/tools/map/cratemarker.prefab",
    "Treasure - Prefab - Basic Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab",
    "Treasure - Prefab - UnCommon Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
    "Treasure - Prefab - Rare Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
    "Treasure - Prefab - Elite Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
    "Text - Basic Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Basic Map",
    "Text - Uncommon Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Uncommon Map",
    "Text - Rare Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Rare Map",
    "Text - Elite Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Elite Map",
    "Text - Notes to player when inspecting map in inventory": "Place map in Quick Slot, then right click on it to mark location.",
    "Loot Table - Only Use Loot Table Items ? ": false,
    "Loot Table - Basic Treasure Chest": {
      "-700591459": 1,
      "1655979682": 5
    "Loot Table - UnCommon Treasure Chest": {
      "-1941646328": 1,
      "-1557377697": 5
    "Loot Table - Rare Treasure Chest": {
      "-1848736516": 1,
      "1973684065": 2,
      "-1440987069": 3
    "Loot Table - Elite Treasure Chest": {
      "1545779598": 1,
      "-2139580305": 2,
      "1099314009": 3
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