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Иконка ресурса

Платно Kits ( Blood Rust Original ) 1.0.2

"NPC - GUI Kits": {
"0": {
"description": "Welcome on this server! Here is a list of free kits that you can get.<color=green>Enjoy your stay</color>",
"kits": [
"1235439": {
"description": "Welcome on this server! Here is a list of free kits that you can get.<color=green>Enjoy your stay</color>",
"kits": [
"8753201223": {
"description": "<color=red>VIPs Kits</color>",
"kits": [
"CopyPaste - Parameters": [
"Custom AutoKits": {
"0": "KitName",
"1": "KitName",
"2": "KitName"
"UI KeyBinding": "",
"Kit - Logging": false,
"Show All Kits": false,
"Background - URL": ""
Сверху Снизу