Приветсвуем Вас на нашем форуме! Мы очень рады видеть Вас здесь, а Вы сделали правильный выбор, придя к нам. Регистрируйтесь, если еще не успели и Вы получите массу полезных вещей, имеющихся на нашем форуме!
UnlockMetalAtLevel - Set what level metal unlocks at while upgrading.
UnlockSulfurAtLevel - Set what level sulfur unlocks at while upgrading.
UnlockHQMAtLevel - Set what level HQM unlocks at while upgrading.
PreventUnauthorizedToggling - When enabled, only authorized players can toggle quarries/pumpjacks
PreventUnauthorizedLooting - When enabled, only authorized players can access the quarry/pumpjack.
EnableOilCraters - When enabled, oil craters will have a chance to spawn while surveying.
OilCraterChance - The chance an oil crater will spawn while surveying.
QuarryMaxLevel - Sets the maximum level a player can upgrade their quarry to.
PumpjackMaxLevel - Sets the maximum level a player can upgrade their pumpjack to.
QuarryCapacityPerLevel - Sets the number of slots unlocked per level.
PumpjackCapacityPerLevel - Sets the number of slots unlocked per level.
EnableEconomics - Enables the Economics plugin for upgrades. Leaving disable will use the old upgrade method.
EconomicsCost - Sets the price per upgrade for both quarries and pumpjacks.
EconomicsCurrency - Sets the vanity name of the currency to be displayed in the GUI and info text.
EnableServerRewards - Enables the ServerRewards plugin for upgrades. Leaving disable will use the old upgrade method.
ServerRewardsCost - Sets the price per upgrade for both quarries and pumpjacks.
ServerRewardsCurrency - Sets the vanity name of the currency to be displayed in the GUI and info text.
Metal_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher.
Sulfur_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher.
HQM_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher.
ButtonBounds - Change the position of the "upgrade" button.
ButtonColor - Change the container color of the "upgrade" button.
ButtonOpacity - Change the background opacity of the "upgrade" button.
ButtonFontColor - Change the font color of the "upgrade" button.
PanelBounds - Change the position of the upgrade panel.
PanelColor - Change the container color of the upgrade panel.
PanelOpacity - Change the background opacity of the upgrade panel.
PanelFontColor - Change the font color of the upgrade panel.