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Store Robbery

Бесплатно Store Robbery 1.1.5

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  "Announce Robberies In Chat": true,
  "Use Clerk Marker": true,
  "Use Robbery Area Marker": true,
  "Allow Shoot To Rob": false,
  "Robbery Distance (m)": 5.0,
  "Robbery Time (Secs)": 20,
  "NPC Cooldown/Reset Time (Secs)": 10,
  "Use Player Cooldown?": true,
  "Player Robbery Cooldown Time (Secs)": 10,
  "Whitelisted Robbery Weapons": [
  "Clear NPCs On New Save": true,
  "Clerk Name": "Store Clerk",
  "Fill Clerks at Supermarkets": true,
  "Supermarket Clerk Position": {
    "x": 8.8,
    "y": 0.0,
    "z": 3.5
  "Supermarket Clerk Rotation": {
    "x": 8.8,
    "y": 0.0,
    "z": 2.0
  "Fill Clerks at Gas Stations": true,
  "Gas Station Clerk Position": {
    "x": -8.7,
    "y": 0.0,
    "z": 21.5
  "Gas Station Clerk Rotation": {
    "x": -8.2,
    "y": 0.0,
    "z": 21.5
  "Guard Settings": {
    "Play Alarm Sound": true,
    "Spawn Guards at Robbery Start": false,
    "Spawn Guards at Robbery End": false,
    "Chance of Guard Spawn (0-100%)": 75,
    "Amount of Guard at Robbery Start": 0,
    "Amount of Guard at Robbery End": 5,
    "Store Guard": "Store Guard",
    "Gaurds HP": 400.0
  "NPC Clothing": {
    "Clothing": [
    "Skins": [
  "Robbery Rewards": {
    "Use Economics Plugin": false,
    "Minimum Amount Of Credits": 3000,
    "Maximum Amount Of Credits": 6000,
    "Use Server Rewards Plugin": false,
    "Minimum Amount Of RP": 300,
    "Maximum Amount Of RP": 600,
    "Use Item Box Rewards": true,
    "Minimum Amount Of Items From List": 3,
    "Maximum Amount Of Items From List": 6,
    "Possible Item List": [
        "shortname": "rifle.ak",
        "customname": "Red Zircon AK47",
        "skin": 2589524856,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 1,
        "probability": 90
        "shortname": "rifle.bolt",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 1,
        "probability": 5
        "shortname": "ammo.pistol",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 10,
        "maxamount": 50,
        "probability": 70
        "shortname": "ammo.shotgun",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 10,
        "maxamount": 30,
        "probability": 70
        "shortname": "syringe.medical",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 3,
        "probability": 40
        "shortname": "keycard_blue",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 1,
        "probability": 35
        "shortname": "cctv.camera",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 2,
        "probability": 50
        "shortname": "shotgun.double",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 1,
        "probability": 70
        "shortname": "bow.hunting",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 1,
        "probability": 90
        "shortname": "pistol.revolver",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 1,
        "maxamount": 1,
        "probability": 80
        "shortname": "arrow.wooden",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 10,
        "maxamount": 40,
        "probability": 85
        "shortname": "arrow.fire",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 5,
        "maxamount": 20,
        "probability": 70
        "shortname": "rope",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 3,
        "maxamount": 6,
        "probability": 75
        "shortname": "propanetank",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 3,
        "maxamount": 6,
        "probability": 75
        "shortname": "metalpipe",
        "customname": "",
        "skin": 0,
        "minamount": 2,
        "maxamount": 4,
        "probability": 75
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