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Virtual Quarries

Бесплатно Virtual Quarries 2.3.0

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 "Command List": [
 "Enable Console Logs": true,
 "Override ImageLibrary Icons": false,
 "Require Permission For Use": false,
 "Mining Quarry/Pump Jack Limit Permissions": {
 "virtualquarries.default": {
 "pumpjack": 1,
 "quarry": 2
 "virtualquarries.vip": {
 "pumpjack": 2,
 "quarry": 3
 "Sharing - Require Permission": false,
 "Data - Enable Data Wipe On Server Wipe": false,
 "Data - Store Container Data In File And Restore On Server Wipe": false,
 "Data - Store Container Interval (in seconds)": 1800,
 "Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60,
 "Static Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60,
 "Excavator Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60,
 "Storage Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab",
 "Sound - Start Sound": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/online.prefab",
 "Sound - Stop Sound": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/offline.prefab",
 "Survey Charge - Allow Throwing Survey Charges": false,
 "Survey Charget Types": {
 "survey": {
 "Effect Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/survey_explosion.prefab",
 "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "",
 "Chance For Resources (0-100)": 75,
 "Displayed Survey Title Translation Key": "SurveyCharge",
 "Required Item": {
 "Shortname": "surveycharge",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Upgrades - Used Economy Plugin (0 - None, See Website For More Info)": 0,
 "Removing Quarries - Refund Items": true,
 "Go Back Button - Position (1-2)": 1,
 "Upgrade UI - Responsive Position": true,
 "Static Quarries - Enable": false,
 "Excavator Quarry - Enable": false,
 "Excavator Quarry - Lock Air Drops": false,
 "Static Quarries - Quarry Requires Permission": false,
 "Static Quarries - Pump Jack Requires Permission": false,
 "Static Quarries - Excavator Requires Permission": false,
 "Static Quarries - Resource Container Size": 18,
 "Static Quarries - Fuel Item": {
 "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1.0,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": null
 "Excavator Quarry - Fuel Item": {
 "Shortname": "diesel_barrel",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1.0,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": null
 "Static Quarries - Metal Quarry Output": [
 "Shortname": "stones",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 150.0,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Shortname": "metal.ore",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 22.5,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Static Quarries - Sulfur Quarry Output": [
 "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 22.5,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Static Quarries - HQM Quarry Output": [
 "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 1.5,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Static Quarries - Pump Jack Output": [
 "Shortname": "crude.oil",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 6.0,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Static Quarries - Excavator Outputs": {
 "HQM": [
 "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 50.0,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Metal": [
 "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 2500.0,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Stone": [
 "Shortname": "stones",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 5000.0,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Sulfur": [
 "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount Per Tick": 1000.0,
 "Display Name": ""
 "Quarry Profiles": {
 "pumpjack": {
 "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "virtualquarries.pumpjack",
 "Displayed Icon": {
 "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Survey Type": "survey",
 "Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key": "PumpjackTitle",
 "Chance": 5,
 "Minimal Resources Per Node": 1,
 "Maximal Resources Per Node": 2,
 "Fuel Required Per Tick": {
 "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1.0,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": null
 "Enable Upgrades": true,
 "Items Required To Place": [
 "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Resources": {
 "crude": {
 "Output Item - Shortname": "crude.oil",
 "Output Item - Skin": 0,
 "Output Item - Display Name": "",
 "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "",
 "Include Always": true,
 "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "",
 "Chance": 0,
 "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.8,
 "Maximal Output Per Tick": 3.0,
 "Additional Items Required To Place": []
 "Upgrades": [
 "Required Items": [],
 "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 0,
 "Capacity": 6,
 "Gather Multiplier": 1.0,
 "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0
 "Required Items": [
 "Shortname": "wood",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 14000,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Shortname": "stones",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 10000,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 12000,
 "Capacity": 9,
 "Gather Multiplier": 1.2,
 "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0
 "quarry": {
 "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "",
 "Displayed Icon": {
 "Shortname": "mining.quarry",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Survey Type": "survey",
 "Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key": "QuarryTitle",
 "Chance": 25,
 "Minimal Resources Per Node": 1,
 "Maximal Resources Per Node": 2,
 "Fuel Required Per Tick": {
 "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1.0,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": null
 "Enable Upgrades": true,
 "Items Required To Place": [
 "Shortname": "mining.quarry",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 1,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Resources": {
 "hq": {
 "Output Item - Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
 "Output Item - Skin": 0,
 "Output Item - Display Name": "",
 "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "",
 "Include Always": false,
 "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "",
 "Chance": 10,
 "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.3,
 "Maximal Output Per Tick": 2.0,
 "Additional Items Required To Place": []
 "metal": {
 "Output Item - Shortname": "metal.ore",
 "Output Item - Skin": 0,
 "Output Item - Display Name": "",
 "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "",
 "Include Always": false,
 "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "virtualquarries.metal",
 "Chance": 50,
 "Minimal Output Per Tick": 22.5,
 "Maximal Output Per Tick": 45.0,
 "Additional Items Required To Place": []
 "scrap": {
 "Output Item - Shortname": "scrap",
 "Output Item - Skin": 0,
 "Output Item - Display Name": "",
 "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "",
 "Include Always": false,
 "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "virtualquarries.scrap",
 "Chance": 5,
 "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.1,
 "Maximal Output Per Tick": 1.0,
 "Additional Items Required To Place": [
 "Shortname": "wood",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 7000,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "stone": {
 "Output Item - Shortname": "stones",
 "Output Item - Skin": 0,
 "Output Item - Display Name": "",
 "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "",
 "Include Always": true,
 "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "",
 "Chance": 0,
 "Minimal Output Per Tick": 150.0,
 "Maximal Output Per Tick": 300.0,
 "Additional Items Required To Place": []
 "sulfur": {
 "Output Item - Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
 "Output Item - Skin": 0,
 "Output Item - Display Name": "",
 "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "",
 "Include Always": false,
 "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "",
 "Chance": 50,
 "Minimal Output Per Tick": 15.0,
 "Maximal Output Per Tick": 30.5,
 "Additional Items Required To Place": []
 "Upgrades": [
 "Required Items": [],
 "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 0,
 "Capacity": 6,
 "Gather Multiplier": 1.0,
 "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0
 "Required Items": [
 "Shortname": "wood",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 7000,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Shortname": "stones",
 "Skin": 0,
 "Amount": 5000,
 "Display Name": null,
 "Icon URL": ""
 "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 6000,
 "Capacity": 9,
 "Gather Multiplier": 1.2,
 "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0
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