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Submersible Pump

Плагин Submersible Pump 1.0.5

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KACAT добавил(а) новый ресурс:

Submersible Pump - Позволяет поставить очень интересный насос (читайте описание)

Погружной насос плагин разгрузит реки на вашем сервере.
Это позволяет игрокам размещать водяной насос с пресной водой в любом месте на карте.
Выход воды может быть изменен с Плагин WaterWorks от nivex.


  • Вы можете построить свою ферму в любом месте на карте.
  • Настраиваемый процесс создания насосов.
  • Вы можете разместить свой насос на фундаменте. (но не слишком высокий...

Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
Была ошибка
Error while compiling: SubmersiblePump.cs(93,37): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'

Починил, добавил локализацию RU

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Oxide.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Oxide.Plugins
    [Info("SubmersiblePumpFix", "Mi4ok", "1.0.6")]
    public class SubmersiblePump : RustPlugin
        private void Init()
            config = Config.ReadObject<PluginConfig>();
            cmd.AddChatCommand(config.command, this, nameof(CraftPumpCommand));
            cmd.AddConsoleCommand("givepump", this, nameof(GivePumpCommand));
            if (config.requirePerm) permission.RegisterPermission("submersiblepump.use", this);
            permission.RegisterPermission("submersiblepump.give", this);

        private void OnServerInitialized()
            foreach (var pump in data.pumps)
                WaterPump pumpEntity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find((NetworkableId)pump) as WaterPump;
                if (pumpEntity != null)
                    TerrainMeta.TopologyMap.AddTopology(pumpEntity.transform.position, 65536);

        private void Unload() => SaveData();

        private void OnEntityKill(WaterPump entity)
    if (data.pumps.Contains(entity.net.ID))
        Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName("electric.fuelgenerator.small", 1, 2593673595);
        item.name = config.pumpName;
        item.Drop(entity.transform.position, Vector3.zero, new Quaternion());

        private bool CanPickupEntity(BasePlayer player, WaterPump entity)
            if (entity.skinID == 2593673595)
                if (entity.GetBuildingPrivilege() == null)
                    return false;
                if (!entity.GetBuildingPrivilege().IsAuthed(player)) return false;
                return false;
            return true;

        private void OnEntityBuilt(Planner plan, GameObject go)
            if (plan.GetOwnerPlayer() == null) return;
            BasePlayer player = plan.GetOwnerPlayer();
            FuelGenerator generator = go.ToBaseEntity() as FuelGenerator;
            if (generator == null || generator.skinID != 2593673595) return;
            if (config.requirePerm && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "submersiblepump.use"))
                Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName("electric.fuelgenerator.small", 1, 2593673595);
                item.name = config.pumpName;
                NextTick(() => generator.Kill());
                SendReply(player, Lang("NoPermission", player.UserIDString));
            Vector3 heightCheck = new Vector3(generator.transform.position.x, TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(generator.transform.position), generator.transform.position.z);
            if (config.checkGround && Vector3.Distance(heightCheck, generator.transform.position) > 1.4f)
                Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName("electric.fuelgenerator.small", 1, 2593673595);
                item.name = config.pumpName;
                NextTick(() => generator.Kill());
                SendReply(player, Lang("TooHigh", player.UserIDString));
            WaterPump pump = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/waterpump/water.pump.deployed.prefab", generator.transform.position, generator.transform.rotation) as WaterPump;
            pump.skinID = generator.skinID;
            pump.OwnerID = player.userID;
            NextTick(() => generator.Kill());
            TerrainMeta.TopologyMap.AddTopology(pump.transform.position, 65536);

        private object canRemove(BasePlayer player, WaterPump pump)
            if (pump.skinID == 2593673595) return false;
            else return null;

        private void CraftPumpCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            if (config.requirePerm && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "submersiblepump.use"))
                SendReply(player, Lang("NoPermission", player.UserIDString));
            if (!config.enablePumpCraft)
                SendReply(player, Lang("NotEnabled", player.UserIDString));
            if (args.Length == 0)
            else if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].ToLower() == "craft")
                if (config.requireBlueprint && !player.blueprints.HasUnlocked(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("waterpump")))
                    SendReply(player, Lang("NoBlueprint", player.UserIDString));
                if (config.requiredWorkbench > player.currentCraftLevel)
                    SendReply(player, Lang("NoWorkbench", player.UserIDString, player.currentCraftLevel, config.requiredWorkbench));
                if (!TakeResources(player))
                    SendReply(player, Lang("NoItems", player.UserIDString));
                SendReply(player, Lang("ItemCrafted", player.UserIDString));
                Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName("electric.fuelgenerator.small", 1, 2593673595);
                item.name = config.pumpName;
                if (player.inventory.GiveItem(item))
                    player.SendConsoleCommand($"note.inv -1284169891 1 \"{config.pumpName}\"");
                    item.Drop(player.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Vector3.zero);

        private void GivePumpCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
            BasePlayer player = arg.Player();
            if (player != null && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "submersiblepump.give"))
                SendReply(arg, Lang("NoPermission", player.UserIDString));
            if (player == null && arg.Args == null)
                SendReply(arg, Lang("PlayerNotFound"));
            if (arg.Args != null && arg.Args.Length >= 1)
                player = BasePlayer.FindByID(Convert.ToUInt64(arg.Args[0]));
                if (player == null)
                    SendReply(arg, Lang("PlayerNotFound"));
            Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName("electric.fuelgenerator.small", 1, 2593673595);
            item.name = config.pumpName;
            player.SendConsoleCommand($"note.inv -1284169891 1 \"{config.pumpName}\"");
            SendReply(arg, Lang("ItemCrafted"));

        private bool TakeResources(BasePlayer player)
            foreach (var requiredItem in config.pumpCraftCost)
                bool haveRequired = false;
                int inventoryAmount = 0;
                foreach (var item in player.inventory.AllItems())
                    if (item.skin == requiredItem.skin && item.info.shortname == requiredItem.shortname)
                        inventoryAmount += item.amount;
                        if (inventoryAmount >= requiredItem.amount)
                            haveRequired = true;
                if (!haveRequired)
                    return false;
            foreach (var requiredItem in config.pumpCraftCost)
                ItemDefinition itemDef = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(requiredItem.shortname);
                player.SendConsoleCommand($"note.inv {itemDef.itemid} -{requiredItem.amount}");
                int takenItems = 0;
                foreach (var item in player.inventory.AllItems())
                    if (item.skin == requiredItem.skin && item.info.shortname == requiredItem.shortname)
                        if (takenItems < requiredItem.amount)
                            if (item.amount > requiredItem.amount - takenItems)
                                item.amount -= requiredItem.amount - takenItems;
                            if (item.amount <= requiredItem.amount - takenItems)
                                takenItems += item.amount;
                        else break;
            return true;

        private void ShowHelp(BasePlayer player)
            string items = string.Empty;
            if (config.requireBlueprint)
                items += Lang("BlueprintRequired", player.UserIDString);
            foreach (var item in config.pumpCraftCost)
                items += Lang("ItemFormat", player.UserIDString, item.amount, ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(item.shortname).displayName.english);
            SendReply(player, Lang("Help", player.UserIDString, config.command, config.requiredWorkbench, items));

        protected override void LoadDefaultMessages()
            lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                ["TooHigh"] = "You are <color=#5c81ed>too far from ground</color> to place submersible pump!",
                ["NotEnabled"] = "Submersible Pump crafting is <color=#5c81ed>not enabled</color>!",
                ["NoItems"] = "You don't have <color=#5c81ed>required items</color> to craft Submersible Pump!",
                ["ItemCrafted"] = "You've succesfully crafted your <color=#5c81ed>Submersible Pump</color>!",
                ["NoBlueprint"] = "You need to learn Water Pump <color=#5c81ed>blueprint</color> first to craft Submersible Pump!",
                ["NoWorkbench"] = "Submersible Pump require higher <color=#5c81ed>workbench level</color>!\n(Current: {0}, Required: {1})",
                ["Help"] = "<color=#5c81ed>/{0} craft</color> - Craft Submersible Pump\n\nRequired Workbench Level: <color=#5c81ed>{1}</color>\nRequired Items:\n{2}",
                ["BlueprintRequired"] = "  - Water Pump Blueprint\n",
                ["ItemFormat"] = "  - <color=#5c81ed>x{0}</color> {1}\n",
                ["NoPermission"] = "You don't have permission to craft and place <color=#5c81ed>Submersible Pumps</color>!",
                ["PlayerNotFound"] = "We couldn't find player with this ID!"
            }, this);

            lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                ["TooHigh"] = "Вы <color=#5c81ed>находитесь слишком высоко</color>, чтобы установить погружной насос!",
                ["NotEnabled"] = "Изготовление погружного насоса <color=#5c81ed>отключено</color>!",
                ["NoItems"] = "У вас <color=#5c81ed>недостаточно необходимых предметов</color> для создания погружного насоса!",
                ["ItemCrafted"] = "Вы успешно создали <color=#5c81ed>погружной насос</color>!",
                ["NoBlueprint"] = "Сначала вам нужно изучить чертеж <color=#5c81ed>водного насоса</color>, чтобы создать погружной насос!",
                ["NoWorkbench"] = "Для установки погружного насоса требуется более высокий <color=#5c81ed>уровень верстака</color>!\n(Текущий: {0}, Требуемый: {1})",
                ["Help"] = "<color=#5c81ed>/{0} craft</color> - Создать погружной насос\n\nТребуемый уровень верстака: <color=#5c81ed>{1}</color>\nНеобходимые предметы:\n{2}",
                ["BlueprintRequired"] = "  - Чертеж водного насоса\n",
                ["ItemFormat"] = "  - <color=#5c81ed>x{0}</color> {1}\n",
                ["NoPermission"] = "У вас нет разрешения на создание и установку <color=#5c81ed>погружных насосов</color>!",
                ["PlayerNotFound"] = "Мы не смогли найти игрока с этим ID!"
            }, this, "ru");

        private string Lang(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, id), args);

        private PluginConfig config;

        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
            Config.WriteObject(config = new PluginConfig()
                pumpCraftCost = new List<ItemConfig>()
                    new ItemConfig() { shortname = "metal.fragments", amount = 1000, skin = 0 },
                    new ItemConfig() { shortname = "gears", amount = 10, skin = 0 },
                    new ItemConfig() { shortname = "metalpipe", amount = 20, skin = 0 }
            }, true);

        private class PluginConfig
            [JsonProperty("Misc - Require Permission")]
            public bool requirePerm = false;

            [JsonProperty("Misc - Pump Item Name")]
            public string pumpName = "Погружной насос";

            [JsonProperty("Misc - Pump Ground Check")]
            public bool checkGround = true;

            [JsonProperty("Craft - Enable Pump Craft")]
            public bool enablePumpCraft = false;

            [JsonProperty("Craft - Chat Command")]
            public string command = "pump";

            [JsonProperty("Craft - Require Blueprint For Pump")]
            public bool requireBlueprint = true;

            [JsonProperty("Craft - Required Workbench Level (0-3)")]
            public int requiredWorkbench = 2;

            [JsonProperty("Craft - Pump Craft Cost")]
            public List<ItemConfig> pumpCraftCost = new List<ItemConfig>();

        private class ItemConfig
            [JsonProperty("Item Shortname")]
            public string shortname;

            [JsonProperty("Item Amount")]
            public int amount;

            [JsonProperty("Item Skin")]
            public ulong skin;

        private static PluginData data = new PluginData();

        private class PluginData
            [JsonProperty("Placed Pumps")]
            public List<NetworkableId> pumps = new List<NetworkableId>();

        private void LoadData()
            data = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PluginData>(this.Name);
            timer.Every(Core.Random.Range(500, 700), SaveData);
            if (data == null)
                PrintError("Data file is corrupted! Generating new data file...");
                Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(this.Name, new PluginData());
                data = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PluginData>(this.Name);

        private void SaveData() => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(this.Name, data);
Добрый вечер)
Загрузила плагин, выдал ошибку: Error while compiling SubmersiblePump: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'uint' to 'NetworkableId' | Line: 29, Pos: 76
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